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I am more than halfway through the first term of my IT master's programme at HKUST, and I am really enjoying it. Every single class has elements that I enjoy, which makes me feel pretty lucky. Between that and all of the job applications that I'm sending out, my days are full! So far I'm most enjoying my independent project -- it's a great challenge learning Rust, linear algebra and zero-knowledge proof systems at the same time -- and my Principles of Cybersecurity class is also a highlight.

I've been intending to publish this article about a classification system/motivational typology I've developed for hackers, detailing characteristics and examples of each type, but it's become so long that I'm just going to turn it into a series and publish it in parts. Today I will publish my first part, which talks about the etymology and history of the word 'hacker', and the first type in my system (hackers motivated by political ideology). I'm excited to get this out, and then I'll work on some more PortSwigger web tutorials (still have that LLM attacks article drafted from ages ago).

Currently reading: "Distribution-Based Trajectory Clustering" for my data mining class, Hacked and Leaked Datasets by Micah Lee, my CV to make sure it doesn't have any mistakes :)

Currently watching: Breaking Bad (for the second time), BBC News, SNL skits where Tina Fey pretends to be Sarah Palin.

Currently writing: job applications, Rust code for my independent project, a bunch of autumn-themed letters that I will send to friends and family!