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Update time! Today is the 23rd of July, 2024.

University and Work

I will be attending the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for a master's degree in IT. They're starting an optional cybersecurity concentration for my year, so I'll do that as well. Still currently looking at flats, and hoping to find one before I fly to London in a week.

On the 30th of July I will be graduating from King's College London! I'm so happy that I've achieved my goal of graduating with First Class Honours. I'll be in London from the 27th-31st of July, and again from the 4th-9th of August, to graduate, see friends, and clean out my flat.

This week is my last week of interning at Nippon Life Benefits. It has been a really lovely eleven week internship, and I have learned so much. Everyone in IT has been very welcoming and has been kind enough to answer all my questions. This really confirmed for me that my decision to pursue IT and Cybersecurity was the right one.

Posts I'm Working On

I am finalising my article on Cory Doctorow's keynote on 'the enshittification of the Internet' for HOPE XV, and hope to publish that today or tomorrow. I hope to write one or two other articles about HOPE XV, but want to get this one out first.

My two drafts-in-progress right now are a tutorial for some PortSwigger Web Academy exercises for exploiting vulnerabilities in LLMs, and a 'how I got a first from KCL' article. I do think that the KCL article could be useful for some people, but it's also hopefully a way to get a few more eyes on this blog. If not that, it's at least useful for me to reflect on my revision strategies before I start my master's programme.

I'm also always open to article suggestions, so feel free to reach out to me via email!

Stuff I'm Into At The Moment

Books I'm Reading: 'Golden Son', 'The Lost Pianos of Siberia', 'The Goldfinch'

Topics I'm Exploring: web-based LLM vulns, PostgreSQL, Azure stuff, maybe .NET applications

Other Things: Team USA women's basketball, CT Sun and Indiana Fever games, going to the gym (considering moving from a push/pull/legs split to a push/pull/legs/shoulders+core split)

As always, feel free to reach out to me at ccarrieasmith [at] gmail [dot] com. So excited for these upcoming weeks!